How to get support faster
We guaranty that ALL customers get an answer from us. Usually we reply all email in less than 24 hours IF your question is clear and contains all information we need (see "What information should I provide"). However, in most cases you can have your answer right away: our web site already provides answers to frequently asked questions
Is your question related to your order?
Then ALWAYS include:
FAQ Q: I have recently placed my order via BlueSnap and never received the unlock key. A: The key was sent but it probably landed in your 'Junk/Spam' folder. Please check that folder you WILL find the key there.
Do you need technical support?
Then include this info:
For bug reports please see this page. User manual is available here.
You haven't got your answer in 48 hours?
It may happen that the email sent by our customers is somehow invalid. For example: the customer forgot to provide its email address (if it used one of our web page embedded "Email us" boxes), customer's email server/client rejects our emails (for example Inbox full), the email was lost on the way between the email server, etc. Please feel free to email us again. We don't mind. Maybe this time you can use a different email address.
User manual & support page
Instant support via online chat
Please use the real-time online chat utility located in our Contact page.
Always include previous email discussions (if any) into your current email. This way, if any information is necessary we don't have to search for it in the original chain of emails.
SciVance Technologies |